So the time has now come to play catch up:) First, is our fabulous trip to DISNEYLAND. We had been discussing where we wanted to go for our honeymoon . . . anyone who understands the Lefgren curse knows why we chose to do our travel part of our honeymoon 2 months after the wedding ha ha ha. Sam knew how much I love Disneyland so he graciously suggested to go to the happiest place on earth. It was a fabulous trip. We spent three days at Disneyland and on Sunday go to go visit my sister Camme in Las Vegas. Here are a few of the pictures:
We found these bride and groom Mickey Mouse hats but don't worry we only wore them in the store not in the park:)
One of the things we did was have "Breakfast with the characters". It was so much fun. They even gave us magical "honeymoon" pins. These pins came in quite handy. As we were boarding onto the Indiana Jones ride this man was getting ready to stop us to wait for the next group. He looked at our tag and said "Ah, you're celebrating I'm not going to stop you."

This is us riding Splash Mountain. I am terrified of this ride. (I know its silly) But I was determined to ride it with my Samuel as I knew it was one of his favorite rides and I was determined to conquer my fear. So by day three I was ready to take it on!
It was so nice to get away for a little while and just enjoy the sun, fun and my sweet hubbie. Since we've come back things have gotten back into the swing of things. Work and school still keeps us madfully busy. We are getting excited for Easter and conference as we get to celebrate Jesus's resurrection and listen to Pres. Monson and the General Authorities. I'll try to post soon!!!!!