We began the adventure of getting our engagement pictures taken and hopefully moving on to the next step of wedding announcements. We both took off work on Friday so that we could get pictures taken during the daylight. (We here its better that way although I'll have to take their word for it because most of the time our schedules are a little bit crazy that we don't really see the daylight.) It was pret
ty exciting because it meant that Sam and I got to go shopping for new clothes and I have to say I think we looked pretty good. Especially Sam . . . he's a cutie! We would like to thank Lille and Lei for taking time to help us get the pictures done. They were so great and the pictures looked fantastic. We shot the pictures at the Talbot orchard and also a nearby park. We had a lot of fun. Here are some of the pictures from Lille's camera and as soon as we get the other's I'll post those.